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​Why you should grow certain plants together & what is companion planting?

Updated: Feb 21

Well. they are both the same. Companion planting means growing certain plants together based on their compatibility. Think of this as helping two soulmates of different species thrive together. Too complicated? Let me tell you a story.

All gardeners end up facing a brutal reality as they start growing more.

Lack of space.

You can only harvest enough tomatoes from a plant before you start feeling that it would have been easier & cheaper to get them from the nearest supermarket.

It raises the question of how you grow enough, utilizing the little space the modern world has left you with.

Here's the solution. Growing certain plants together, otherwise known as companion planting is a scientific method that helps you reduce the cost & labor to grow your plants and most importantly, the space to grow two or more plants together. Commonly used in an industrial agricultural setup, companion planting is a sustainable method that helps you reduce the use of fertilizer & grow more.

There are multiple reasons why companion planting works. But if I had to sum it up, it would go along the lines of

But, not all plants can be strong together

Let's answer a series of questions that must be running wild in your mind.

How does companion planting work?

Companion planting takes advantage of the relationships between certain plants. These relationships involve using one plant's advantage like resistance to diseases to help support the growth of the other plant it is grown with.

I just want to grow some kitchen herbs. How will companion planting help me?

But, I want to grow some flowers. How does this help?

Companion planting is an age-old practice that has been tried, tested & perfected by our ancestors even before the food revolution happened. Here are a few ways it can help you plan & build your garden better.

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